Our Never-Ending Search…
What’s harder? Growing old. It feels like we are going to stay young for a long time but then, our childhood fades away without notifying us. We grow old faster than our realization. Life pushes us with much force as we age. They say, “Life was kind when we are young”. As we grow up, life reveals its faces. We will face some of the truest, darkest, nicest moments as we grew some wrinkles on our skin.
Growing old is harder and at times confusing. We question our existence, our purpose, and our reasons to live on this earth. Every man is searching for something in his life. Something that he thinks is going to make his life fulfilled. We all search for it. Most people die searching and very few find what they want. If you don’t understand what you are searching for then others will use you to search for theirs. What does each of us are searching for and why does it matter?
Most of us search for only one thing. That is happiness. We all search for happiness. For that one moment, that brings joy to our mind and a smile on our face. Happiness is a drug that we all search for and so many lies are fed to us about it. To be truthful, most of us are searching for it because we are asked to. From people around us and to those wild posts on social media, all ask us to be happy and they feed us that life is all about happiness.
In turn, We do everything we can on our side to be happy. We go to some great extent, work harder to achieve happiness. Happiness is addictive. Once we got the taste of it, we want more of it. Oftentimes, We value it so much that we don’t try other things that don’t bring joy to our faces. We are afraid to get heartbroken. We don’t want to feel sad. So, We don’t try many things out. We all would have neglected so many things in life just because it doesn’t make us happy. Some things are worth trying, no matter it makes us happy or not. some unlikable actions teach us to value things and others make us feel new.
Does happiness matter? Yes. Not because it makes you feel good but because no man can live a meaningless life. No man can live without a sense of pursuit. Most of us search for happiness and very few search for other meanings in life. Without our quest for search, we would all be living a senseless life. Our never-ending search keeps us going in this temporary meaningless world. For most of us, happiness makes our life fulfilled. So, we need it but it’s alright if you are not happy. It’s alright to feel other emotions. Don’t value your happiness to a great extent, that will only make you miserable.
Our never-ending search keeps us going in this temporary meaningless world.
Your search is something true to you. Your search in life defines who you are. Humans are searchers. We will always search for things in life and this search is never meant to be found. It is only to feed our sanity.